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Bicycle tables and ADHD syndrome

Bike rental? Where would we think about creating a bicycle table for our son? Definitely not at school! Children must be and remain in their places during the 5 hours of classes provided for by law. They must learn and passively assimilate all knowledge.

This vision of the passive student, which remains in proper silence and order, will gradually disappear from our education system, given the poor results. The constant attention of the child is 45 minutes (we are talking about basic courses), so you can not expect that they will continue for an extremely attentive 5 hours.

Currently, a technique is being implemented that encourages you to do 5 minutes of exercises before lessons to activate your brain. Thus, it was shown that students' academic performance undoubtedly increases and the energy accumulated during the day is released. Consequently, the need for movement or excitement in the classroom is limited to classes after these exercises.

However, when we talk about anxiety in the classroom, the need to move and release energy, education professionals immediately come to mind ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Do these students have something positive before the start of the day?

More and more children are being diagnosed with this type of disorder, so teachers are increasingly turning to it and need to adapt to their needs.

Some of the methods that teachers use after gaining experience are to turn the student into a "servant boy" so that he can move and concentrate his energy.

It's also more flexible when it comes to moving to a classroom. However, this creates differences and possible conflicts for the rest of the students, for example: Why can "Antonio" stand up for sharpening 200 times, and I am asked to wait for the class change?

In this situation, Mario Leroux decided to change: he invented the bicycle.

What is a bicycle?
His name describes it. This is a table that has a chair with a bicycle device instead of the usual seat. Thus, the student, when he feels the need to simply move the pedals, releases the remaining energy to continue focusing on the task.

Education professionals support the benefits of this institution and already run this school in Canada, as in some cases they replace some of the students' medications (always depending on the case).

Studies show that after 15 minutes of pedaling, students with this type of disorder are ready to study in better conditions.

Does he cooperate with all the students?
The need for immediate movement represented by ADHD does not represent another type of student without any disorder. As we have already said, the exercise before the lesson is very useful for both types of students. The cycle that is so useful for students with ADHD, for students who don't, is a reason to get distracted and distracted.

The mind of a child with ADHD is full of stimuli, and he does not have a filter to separate the relevant from the irrelevant, so he loses attention and cannot concentrate. But if we give you an incentive that requires coordination and concentration, we will reduce the number of incentives that come to you and focus on the role of learning, which gives you the opportunity to move in the right direction.

Thus, we can say that bicycles are created specifically for those schoolchildren who have a disorder and constantly feel the need to move.

Where to ride a bike
So far this new technology has not reached Spain, so we are unlikely to be able to get it. However, there are guides on how to create a table with these functions.

As for schools that need to have special characteristics, such as the absence of any sounds, so as not to disturb other students, it would be easier to create yourself. It is also important to say that we would have left such school furniture for about 900 euros. Something that most schools can't afford. This article is published for informational purposes only. It is impossible and should not replace the pediatrician's consultation. We recommend consulting with a trusted pediatrician. Best body rubs new york for you
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